Thursday, February 9, 2012


What does it mean to you when you hear the word "Buy"?
To me, it means spending money! I guess this is correct, but the thing I love about the word "Buy" with Scentsy is that I know that I'm getting a quality product that won't make me go broke!
Scentsy offers affordability with their products. They range from $3-$35 on pieces AND they offer Combine & Save too, to help you enjoy even more fragrance and decor! Plus, every February and every August, most of their products are discounted at 10% off!

What does it mean to you when you hear the word "Host"?
To me, hosting means inviting guests over to share a common interest. Get a few snacks and drinks and great conversation and you have yourself a great get-together with friends and family!
How great would it be that at every gathering, you got FREE ITEMS? Well, when hosting a Scentsy party (basket or in-home) once $150 in sales is reached you qualify for just that FREE ITEMS!

What does it mean to you when you hear the word "Join"?
To me, Join could mean a lot of things. When it comes to most though, it's hard for me to find ways. Always those thoughts in the back of my mind going "Should I?"
It was very easy for me to say YES to Joining Scentsy! For a low-cost of $99 (plus shipping and applicable tax) and to get products to share at your first party plus all the materials needed to "work" your business... how can you say NO??

Now, I totally understand that this business is not for everyone, but with all the decline in business lately just think of the RECESSION-PROOF business that you will have to "do what you want"
Do me a favor, go to THIS LINK and shop. Buy 1 warmer and a few scents and then come back to me and tell me your "why not".  I don't think many of you can!

Don't know how to get the most for your money? I can help! Contact me from the website above today!

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